Ronald van Aggelen
From empowerment to EMPEOPLEMENT
Leiders zijn er niet om zichzelf beter te maken, maar om anderen in hun kracht te zetten. Braintality noemt dit Empeoplement. Pak de regie!
When the bar is set high, it can be a tough job to realize your strategic agenda. Braintality hooks up and helps to convert good intentions into effective behaviour.
All our programs are written based on the knowledge that we as humans can influence behaviour. Thinking differently leads to doing differently. At every level in the organization.
With Braintality you make everyone within the organization owner of the strategy. We work with the best consultants, trainers and coaches to professionally guide you during this process.
Either way, Braintality always starts with the following question: Where are you going and why?
- Albert Einstein -
Braintality programs are written with the knowledge in mind that we, as people, have influence.
In our brain we can make conscious use of unconscious processes (and therefore also in that of others).
If that's so, then why do we make so little use of unconscious processes? Well, we think that's a good question.